4321 W Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Enter the Pearl Concert Theater address into your preferred smartphone maps app or your cars satnav system.

Please be aware that traffic in Las Vegas close to the Pearl Concert Theater is often busier around times of the major events, so we always recommend you allow plenty of time to arrive – park and then walk to the building entrance.

The Pearl Concert Theater is located in the Palms Casino Resort which is just west of the Las Vegas Strip and I-15 on Flamingo Road. The box office is located inside the casino between the cage and buffet.

The best way to find directions from your home or hotel is to use your GPS or favorite map making software. But please be sure to arrive no later than 30 minutes before your ticketed event to avoid missing any of the fun.


There is self-parking (located in the east garage off Hugh Hefner Drive and the west garage off of either Flamingo or Arville Road). There is valet parking available at the main entrance or west valet near the movie theater.